October 1, 2023

October is where I tend to see an uptick in the interest in witchcraft and spirit work from people in general, and where people in general tend to feel a little more witchy. With that in mind I thought I’d change the pace and share some simple and fun magic for the season! Make Spirit Water – Oil – Candle From now till Friday, October 13th we are in the space of the waning moon. Heading into the darker phase,... Read more

September 28, 2023

  “As the air starts to chill and the wind starts to whisper, the Spirits begin to stir.” At a time when the land is preparing for its slumber through the winter months, the world of the Spirits awaken. People reminiscing about the past – Calling to them through emotion, thought, and the whisper of their name. Halloween and Samhain are not the only holidays to bring our passed loves ones to the forefront in this season of time. We... Read more

September 25, 2023

Many of us have altars and physical spaces that either are, or we create them to be, sacred space for us. Spaces that allow us to step away from the physical world, and step into a place of magic and spirit. They are spaces that create a trigger for our mind and our soul so we can experience beyond the tangible world. We carefully craft them based on what our spiritual path is and the interests of our craft. They... Read more

September 23, 2023

“I am the Necromancer, the one who calls forth the spirits. The spirits that are stirring, Say now what needs to be said.” – chant to call forth the spirits When the word “Necromancy” is spoken, images of a magical practitioner physically raising the dead from the ground to do their bidding tends to come to mind. Stories distorted by christian views, expanded upon in Hollywood fantasy, and instilled in the imagination of the unknowing, have created an unwelcome image... Read more

September 20, 2023

In the Northern Hemisphere where I live, we are entering fall, so that is where my focus is. The elements of that season, and the changes in the basic elements and their roles in the season. Some will celebrate it as Mabon, some as the season of Ancestors and Spirits, other still will have their own traditions and views of what the Fall Equinox brings. There are some common themes among most though due to the physical season itself, and... Read more

September 18, 2023

In a world of consumerism and the internet, where anything you could want is just a click away, I wonder if we have lost a bit of that creative spirit, especially when it comes to our spiritual objects. I don’t think any of us are immune to the thought of buying our effigies, the representations of our Deities and Guides. I have spent many hours scouring the internet, page after page, trying to find the right ones for me. The... Read more

September 16, 2023

The Book of Seances by Claire Goodchild  was one that was highly recommended to me, with the understanding it was also for more advanced practitioners. Being a person whose primary work is in the spirit realm, I was eager to dig in. Contents First off, the book is very well constructed. It’s a hard cover, fairly weighty, and of good size. The artwork and layouts were fantastic. The author covered a lot of various topics, breaking each one down in... Read more

September 13, 2023

When casting a spell there are a lot of different considerations. What type of spell is best suited, what ingredients or elements need to be included, is timing a consideration, what about your own mindset? This line of questioning is the start of actually crafting the right spell to get the results you really want. Mode of a Spell The mode in which we put together a spell – how we cast that energy into the world to do its... Read more

September 11, 2023

In my experience, each Deity, including the various Death Goddesses, play a very specific role along my path and in my life. They still possess all the other aspects of the Death pattern, and have more lessons than just the ones I get from Them – but my connection to Them and what we work on together is personal for me. When this last one started to become present though, the question of how many does one need jokingly went... Read more

September 8, 2023

This past week has been one of frustration and of mystery. The silence that was forced upon me, also opened me up to hearing a new visitor. I do not believe everything is a sign, but I do believe our Guides create certain situations to warn us, to get our attention, and things of that nature. The Witch in the Woods I am that witch – the one who lives deep in the woods. Nestled in a low lying valley... Read more

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