September 30, 2023

There’s no standard set of rules for ritual since everyone does them differently.  However, sometimes there are things that just don’t add up. These are some of my Pagan pet peeves. I’m sure I have more. Although there is no wrong way to hold rituals, format, quarters, correspondences and deities should make sense too. There needs to be valid reasons why something is the way it is. Saying west is green because it makes the grass grow hurts my head.... Read more

August 31, 2023

Last Sunday, during the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey’s morning worship service, my mind went to the beach. The Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister, mentioned she finds rest at the shore. She vividly spoke about a bee who paid her a visit landing on her leg. Well, there was more to the sermon that resonated but that had me picturing the beach. And, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, I did have to quickly get my mind... Read more

August 1, 2023

While reading the summer issue of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, NJ’s Gazette, I thought about my path. The message from our ministerial intern, Sabrina Trupia wasn’t just about goodbyes but their adventure and taking the right path.  Sometimes the wrong path could lead you to the right one. Everything happens for a reason. My path has changed a lot in many directions. As I look back though, I believe that I wouldn’t be where I am if I... Read more

June 30, 2023

“Permission for Maximum Joy” a worship service crafted by both the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister and Intern Sabrina Trupia. Joy is a great thing and should be present in everything that we do. We should not be afraid to laugh, dance, sing, clap and get into it when we feel moved during a ritual. Raise energy! Sammler-Michael reflected on churches that had strict policies on what you could and couldn’t do during their services. One wouldn’t allow men to... Read more

May 31, 2023

Affirmations can help you create a successful spell. Not too long ago I said that spellwork is not just waving your hands; rattle off some words and voila. I focused on the importance of intent and effort. These are all still true and very important to remember.  Again, without having clear intention and putting in your effort then your chances of a spell working are slim. However, affirmations are just as important and need to be added. Important knowledge like... Read more

April 22, 2023

Well once again, it’s Earth Day. This celebration, founded in 1970, is a day to educate people on environmental issues. However, in my opinion, it is also a day to celebrate Mother Earth, give thanks for her nourishment and give back. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to keep Her healthy. Recently, I interviewed an elderly man in my town who saw a need to step up and donate a few shade trees to our township. He acknowledged that a few were dying,... Read more

March 31, 2023

Vulnerability was the Soul Matters theme the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair New Jersey focused on this month. My congregation has been following the themes for a few years now and they really make you reflect and work on the issues. In 2023, one would think that for us, as people in general, vulnerability would not be such a problem. After all, the Salem Witch Trials were over 330 years ago and in 1865, the United States adopted the 13th... Read more

February 28, 2023

Spell work is not just waving your hands; rattle off some words and voila. This was one of many reasons I left Catholicism: I was just blindly going through the motions; no feelings involved. Spell and work are two words that may look and sound easy. However, it’s the second word that is more important than the first. As they say, “nothing worth it comes easy.” I will never forget the Pagan chat rooms on AOL. For a newbie, that... Read more

January 31, 2023

Centering, a variation on the Soul Matters theme, is the focus of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey. A very important topic, one that we need reminders about often or even a reintroduction. If you are not centered, everything can seem out of whack. If you are off center, you are off balance. You may even feel lightheaded or dizzy. Stress will often cause this along with a host of other circumstances. Once you are centered, you can... Read more

December 31, 2022

Intern minister Sabrina Trupia’s recent sermon titled “Joyful is the Dark” has me thinking how I have grown. That entire service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey, where I attend, was focused on darkness.  The Time for All Ages adaptation from Lemony Snicket’s story “The Dark” vividly brought me back to my childhood. Although I have mentioned my childhood fears in my previous blogs, this is an important topic and needs to be shared again.  I had... Read more

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