Snakes and the Cult of Ancestors

Snakes and the Cult of Ancestors August 14, 2023

There is a belief that part of our soul is made up of ancestors that came before us. Certain ones bound to us through memory deep in our blood, hidden within our DNA. Although the understanding and concept of memory in our DNA from a scientific standpoint is fairly new considering human existence, this belief itself is very ancient.

Every culture has their own practices and rituals associated with venerating the dead. Each had their own associated symbolisms, vision of the afterlife, and the Guardians and Caretakers for those spirits once they are there. Many, especially older cultures, believed in a form of reincarnation of the soul – the return of the soul in a different body. One of the most common though is the Snake.

Snakes in Ancestor Culture

Snakes and the Soul

Snakes held deep symbolism for death and rebirth, so it is understandable why it becomes a central animal in the idea of the underworld and ancestor connection. There are many perspectives to take into account here.

The ability for the snake to disappear beneath the ground and than reemerge gives the imagery of the dead moving into the underworld and then rising again into physical form. This is actually a more prominent imagery with water than with earth, especially in older cultures. Traveling through water or crossing it, in order to reach the land of the Dead. This is not surprising when we think of the element of water itself both from a spiritual and scientific sense.

Water holds flow and movement – emotion and memory – transportation from one place to another – it can bring death or renewal. Water is also the substance that carries the blood through our body – blood holds DNA – DNA holds memory. Wells, Springs, and other bodies of water are commonly used to depict portals between worlds, between the world of matter and spirit, and held as sacred and magical.

The shedding of the skin is another symbolism representing death and rebirth, but this takes on a different perspective when looking at it from an ancestral soul perspective. Instead of the shedding representing growth and renewal as we move through this life – the shedding represents the journey of the soul from body to body. Each time the snake sheds one skin, it is shedding one life. The old snake is not gone, the core of the snake is still there. In the perspective of the ancestral soul – the memories, skills is the soul are carried forward and blended into the new soul. Each time the soul is carried forward it is carrying forward the core of all thus getting larger each time.

The snake as a symbol of Fertility and Wisdom. We often associate these things with life not death, but when talking ancestral soul, it very much applies here. The soul does not end after death, for energy never dies it just changes form. The soul is carrying forward the wisdom from all its past knowledge and experiences, and adding to that collection of wisdom in the life you are living now.

The snake as a Guide to deeper wisdom and hidden knowledge. Eternal beings with immense power. No beginning and no ending – just growing and changing through the growth. Things which are hidden and carried forward.

The snake wrapped around/ associated with trees, staffs, and the like, were common representations. Representing perspectives such as the tree representing all that was, is, and will be. The world tree, the ancestral tree, even a person themselves – the trunk is their self in this life, rooted by all that came before them, and the branches and leaves being what they grow in this life (ever changing and evolving.

The staff in Seidr is very resonate with all of these. It is a tool to help guide us through the underworld, the land of spirit, and also through the parts of our own soul/ self. It is both a physical and energetic representation of the snake. Those within my Death’s Emissary course that starts in October will be going much deeper into this concept and be creating their own staff in the process.

Scythian Snake Goddess

Abrahamic Distortion of the Snake

An interesting thing happened to the vision of the snake with the rise of abrahamic faiths, especially christianity. Suddenly the snake became dangerous, evil, and something that should be avoided. Like many distortions of death that arose with these religions, the snake also experienced this. Everyone will have their own perception of why this happened, but this is mine.

The abrahamic hierarchy, especially the christian church, is about control of the people. One way to control the behaviors and choices of people is put a set of rules down for people to follow in this life, and state how well you do this will determine the rest of eternity for you. Not only does it create fear around death, it creates a disconnect on a conscious level. The conscious aspect being the easiest accessed part of our soul – the one moving and shaping this particular life – from our ancestral soul.

It is not like they are disconnected completely – the memories, skills, and knowledge are still there, but they are not accessing it and using its full capability. They are not purposefully accessing it and pulling from it, thus what they do get is a surface connection. I think this is purposeful. After all, if one believed and experienced this part of the soul, it would destroy the church’s version of the afterlife.

There is one aspect of symbolism for the snake in christianty that has always bothered me deeply and can not figure out why more do not see the craziness in it. The serpent in the garden.

Their god forbid them to eat from one tree, one of knowledge and wisdom – of knowing. To me that should have been a red flag for them – a god that doesn’t want them to think on their own, to know things, to explore and grow. Why even put it there then?

Then along comes the serpent – which up to this point had deep ties to the soul, to ancestors, and in my beliefs the ancestral soul which carries all this information of the past. I have my own opinions as to why it was the woman who followed the serpent – partly because the church spent a lot of time dehumanizing women and ensuring women did not hold power – there is also another in my mind though that directly correlates with this but a whole other perspective, but this isn’t the time.

So the serpent – the keeper of wisdom, of fertility and growth, connection to the past and guide of the ancestral soul – convinces the woman to eat the apple of this tree. Awaken the ancestral soul within her – which “turns on” and starts giving her all this information about the world and herself. Angering a god and forever punishing all humans yet to come. The snake going from revered to reviled. Something to fear and stay away from.

Did they see the concept of the snake as many of the pagan cultures before them? The totem and guide for us to access all the aspects of our soul. To tap into the wisdom, knowledge, and skills we can call forth from it from lives lived before us. To see death for something beyond their control mechanism. – I kind of think they did.

The Snake who Guides

When thinking of Ancestor Cults of the past, there are two ways the serpent as a Guide tends to emerge. First, as a guide similar to other animal and Deity guides. The Second, that the snake represents the soul itself, with all its parts, including the ancestral soul. If you think about it, both of these could be true at the same time as well.

In the first example the snake is seen as a Guide. One who can show us the way, help us along the journey, give us information, and take us through lessons, just as any other Guide. Something separate from us, and outside of us. Something we can see and interact with in a way that our conscious brain can reconcile more easily.

The second eludes to the snake being a projection or representation of our soul itself. All the layers of souls that have lived and merged together with each death and new life. All the lives blended and carried through one energetic form that we are adding to with our own life. Imagine if we lived according to this theory instead of an eternal afterlife… I think the world – the people and how they interact in this world – would be very different.

Witch’s Snake Stone

Personal Experience

I have been traveling with my snake – the representation of my ancestral soul. Peeling back layers and discovering knowledge hidden within. It has shown me things, including how to access different lives my soul holds. Not in their entirety like past life regression is said to, but aspects of what got carried forward and resides within me. A few have names I know and many I do not.

The soul, living and growing through every life. One part controlling the body and actions in this particular life, carving out its own path and bringing new skills and memories to add to the ancestral soul when the body dies. In death, within The Well, the old and new merge together – blending two into one. Then being reborn into a new life to begin all over again. Each time adding, growing, learning, and experiencing.

Later this week I will be sharing a story that involves Adeliza, my 26th great grandmother, and one I believe to be part of my ancestral soul. The story is about a rabbit hole she spiraled me down and brought even more depth and connections between the serpent and the soul. It also brought some understandings about her and why she has been my particular guide in certain areas.

Ending Thoughts

Snakes have a long history of representation in human culture. Some who welcomed and honored it, and some who vilified and fear it.

People, due to their influences and experiences have their own personal perspective of the snake and what it represents to them.

The Image and concept of the snake when concerning Ancestral connection is undeniable. No matter how you see that afterlife playing out – the snake is present.

My own experiences have shaped my views and beliefs. I allowed myself to follow and drift with the snake – to consume and take up space. To see the kaleidoscope of perspectives and how they are all interwoven in their own ways.

The snake is a physical representation of a Guide that my brain can comprehend. It is the spirit that resides in my staff and travels with me. It is the whole of my ancestral soul, the blending of many. It is one of my escorts in the land of the dead. It is both something outside me and of me, all at once.

How do you see the snake? What has shaped those perspectives? Have you dove to the depths of it or stayed on the surface of the water with it? What role does it play in your views or practices where ancestors are concerned?

Author, Medium, Seeker, Guide. You are building your own path, your own connections, and shaping your own destiny. We can inspire others through sharing - we can Guide through our own experiences - but each of us must walk our own path. You can read more about the author here.

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