Summer Solstice is Almost Here

Summer Solstice is Almost Here June 11, 2023

Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year. Where I live that means 16 hours of daylight, though this will vary depending on your location. The day itself holds various different religious and cultural significance to different people. I am an animist, so I see this day in several ways and celebrate in different ways.

smoke in front of the trees with sunlight streaming through behind it
Smoke and Light by Esa

The Last Celebration of the Growing Light

It marks the moment where we move from the light to the dark, because the amount of dark time will start to increase until we reach its pinnacle at winter solstice. We are moving from a place of planting, to a place of nurturing and then reflection. This is both in a very physical/ agricultural sense and in a spiritual sense. We dreamed and made plans in Jan and Feb – We started planting those seeds in March through May – and now we are nurturing them and acting upon them.

During these days of summer we are focused more on actions. The actions that relate to carrying out our plans and nurturing the things that will help our plans come to fruition.

Tending the garden so to speak, so when fall comes we can reap the rewards of our efforts.

Sun and the moon - space rendition
moon and sun (Nasa imagery)

The Sun

Summer is where the sun is front and center. Radiating the energy of growth and movement. It is the fire of action within tarot and an elemental type of view. Where more people consciously make an effort to get outside and to connect to nature in various ways. It’s not just a single day, it is a season of time. A season where nature in some form is at the center.

The sun represents represents different things to different people. I personally have a love hate relationship with the sun itself. Perhaps it is because I work more in the liminal and spirit work, but really my aversion is a very physical one. I have a lot of red in my hair and the red-head complexion – which means I go into the sun for about an hour or two and come back looking like a lobster.

With that being said I have a deep love and respect for the energy it represents to me – Fire. The power to illuminate, power of action, and to completely clear out so something new can be born. I also have a deep spiritual duality at my own core between water and fire. The cliff notes to it is memory and life itself is contained in water – without fire it stays in stasis in ice. When the fire melts the ice it releases that life into the world.

The Raven – art by Esa

Connection to Nature

People appear to observe more of our natural world during the summer time. The animals appear more visible and in larger number around us. The babies that were tucked away as they grew big enough to leave the den, are now out exploring the wider world.

By spending more time outdoors, we are being provided many opportunities to experience all those energies, and build our own relationships with them. Some will do this on a magical/ spiritual level, and some just in mundane ways, but the bond is being built either way.

The closer to nature we become, the more we personally observe for ourselves, the more connected we become to the world we live within. Not just the society and culture, but the true world that it all resides in. This is good for us on a physical and mental health level, as well as, a spiritual one. For those who are magically inclined, these connections are imperative to the work we do.

What to Do at Summer Solstice?

This is all going to depend on what your beliefs and perspectives are. As I said, some have religious/ traditional aspects that come into play for them. What I can do is give some ideas based on things I do. Perhaps that will give you some ideas and inspirations for your own.

Bottle Created by Esa for Sun Water

Sun Water

A perfect time to collect Sun water for spiritual and magical use! Since the summer solstice is the longest day, it is at the height of its power.

You can use it to add to your drinking water, teas, or food you are cooking. Infusing it with that energy of action or fire. You can make special waters for different tasks such as: drawing money to you, accomplishment water, antidepressant aid, courage, strength, and so forth. Then you can either spray on the water when you need it, add it to spells, and so forth (again use common sense if ingesting). I personally love sun water and find it extremely effective.


Create a celebratory feast – honoring the aspects of the sun within your life and within yourself. I personally like to include and invite Ancestors since they are a part of me. Make it a day of celebration, even if it is just you – Self Love and Appreciation is an important aspect that we do not focus on near enough.


Light a candle and meditate with it. Watch the flame as it dances and see what it reveals to you. Bonfires tend to be popular for this day– but not everyone has that ability, so bring in the element of fire where you can.

If you do not already have a bond and working relationship to the element of Fire – this would be a good time to start building one.


This is also a good time to connect with your Guides and do some divination. We are shifting from the light to the dark, all be it in a slow process. Ask about things you should be reflecting upon right now – what actions you should be focusing on.

Sun Goddess abstract

Honor Your Bonds

Do you have a Guide or Deity that is associated with the sun, fire, or this time of year? Do something special for them.

For me, Kari is especially active at this time. So I will do a combination of divination/ Seidr journey, honoring, and creating a new Galdr of His choosing.

This year for Hela, Norse Goddess of the Dead, I will be doing something different. Part of it will be in action – walking the Road to Hel, and part will be in devotion – writing Her book.

I will be honoring The Morrigan and land Spirits by giving the animals that reside here a special feast – fish, meats, breads, fruit, nuts, and pasta (because our Ravens love spaghetti for some reason). Through this act I am honoring the sovereignty of all of us and the bonds we have built here. We may own this land according to society, but it is not ours alone. We share it with both the physical and spirit of a variety of creatures and plants. In order to live harmoniously, a lot of conscious care and respect is required.


How do you view the Summer Solstice?

What meaning does it hold for you?

What are your plans this year?

I am an avid explorer and believe experimentation is the key to growth. Science and Magic are not competitors, they work together to help us understand and alter the world. Magic and Spirituality is personal – the bonds we build, the skills we hone, how we practice, all of this being developed along our journey. The rules and limitations are those of you and nature, not another person.” - Author, Oracle/ Tarot Reader, Liminal Walker, and Spiritual Guide for those wanting to build their own path and connections You can read more about the author here.

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