July 30, 2023

Note: this post is the first of four of Dr. Chip’s take on a series of conversations he had with businessman Greg Brenneman on Four Divine Truths About Work. We are grateful to Greg for sharing his insights on our podcast, which are available now! Listen here. Your job may be more significant than you know. We tend to drift into the mindset that sees work as a necessary evil, requiring drudgery so you can do what you want to... Read more

July 6, 2023

Are you burned out? Are you stuck in a mode where you can’t get your motivation back at work? I’ve been there. And when you’re there, it’s hard to imagine what recovery looks like. It is even hard to think clearly. I used to assume that burnout requires rest, recovery, and a fresh start. While those can be part of getting our feet back under us, the real goal is to get the fire going again. Think of all the... Read more

July 5, 2023

Note: this post is the first of four of Dr. Chip’s take on a series of conversations he had with businessman Greg Brenneman on Four Divine Truths About Work. We are grateful to Greg for sharing his insights on our podcast, which will be available soon! I stopped by his office. It was impressive. High floor. Views of the city. Nice furniture. Nice people too, the space was a buzz with smiling busy, community. He asked if I wanted him... Read more

May 19, 2023

Our normally effervescent pastor broke down and cried for several uncomfortably long spells in his Sunday sermon. Aaron was on staff at Redeemer Presbyterian for 10 years. The man he served on the teaching team with, the founder of Redeemer, Tim Keller, passed into the arms of Jesus Friday, May 19th. One of the things Aaron said was this: “Tim has officially passed the baton to us, those of us endeavoring to chase the Gospel, especially those of us in... Read more

April 6, 2023

This is Holy Week, commonly known as Easter. As Christ-Followers, we pause and remember the love, sacrifice, suffering, and conquest of Jesus. Holy Week starts with Jesus’ presentation to Israel and the world as the rightful King. “Your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9 Throughout the week, Jesus shows himself to be every bit the king of the universe... Read more

March 22, 2023

Rage seems to be all the rage. “Rage Applying” has now replaced “Rage Quitting.” Rage quitting was the strategy where you left your job in an atomic rant, without a plan, telling your boss or coworkers or anyone else, just how terrible they are as you storm out the door or click “leave” on your zoom room. Rage applying is where you blast off random job applications while still continuing in your job. Same reasons: you are fed up with... Read more

February 21, 2023

Preston was stuck in a career that he didn’t enjoy, working 65-80+ hours a week. He questioned whether he would ever find a career opportunity that he enjoyed, and after months of searching, began to give up hope. Work was no longer fulfilling for him; instead, it was draining him of his energy and passion. Lisa found herself at a crossroads. She was confident in her profession and area of expertise, but no longer felt that the long hours she... Read more

January 31, 2023

When I was a boy, I loved dinner time. It wasn’t just about refueling after a hard day of play. Dinner was the time when our entire family gathered around the table. Mom and Dad sat across from each other. My brother was next to my mom, opposite me. I was next to my dad. I thought it was a bit of a big deal to get to sit next to dad. While I have a positive impression of those... Read more

January 27, 2023

As I’ve had the privilege of working with and interviewing a number of seasoned senior leaders, they seem to live in a tension between planning ahead and remaining nimble. They set focus and priorities, and yet they are also willing to pivot quickly as reality on the ground changes. As one of my friends, a retired general, says, “no plan survives your first contact with the enemy.” So what should we be preparing for in 2023? In a word, uncertainty.... Read more

January 27, 2023

As I’ve had the privilege of working with and interviewing several seasoned senior leaders, they seem to live in a tension between planning ahead and remaining nimble. They set focus and priorities, and yet they are also willing to pivot quickly as reality on the ground changes. As one of my friends, a retired general, says, “no plan survives your first contact with the enemy.” So what should we be preparing for in 2023? In a word, uncertainty. What will... Read more

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