Dreamcatchers and the Spider Goddess

Dreamcatchers and the Spider Goddess March 30, 2023

Dreamcatchers are iconic, well-known symbols within Native American cultures. The tradition of dreamcatchers originates from the Ojibwa tribe. For the Ojibwa, the dreamcatcher symbolizes natural wisdom. Ojibway is the name of the tribe in Canada, and the name of the American tribes is Chippewa. Ojibwas reside in southern Canada in Manitoba and Ontario and in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin. Dreamcatchers were originally made of twigs of the willow tree. Twigs were gathered fresh and they were pulled into a spiral or a circle. The web was made of the thread stalk of stinging nettle. Ojibwas decorated their dreamcatchers with bird feathers found on the ground and gemstones. Bad dreams get caught in the web and when morning sun rays touch the web the bad dreams get destroyed and good dreams go through the holes. It is recommended to hang the dream catcher above one’s bed. Once the good dreams travel through the holes they gently fall down through the ribbons and feathers to the mind of the dreamer. Good dreams know their way in. Bad dreams get tangled and perish.

Spider Woman

According to the myth the Ojibwa clans used to live in a place called Turtle Island. Their protector goddess was Asibikaashi, the spider woman. In the myth, Asibikaashi helped to bring the sun deity Giizis back to the people. She built a special lodge before dawn. It was completely made of a spider web. Asibikaashi catches the sunlight (Giizis) into the sparkling dew drops. Ojibwa nations grew larger and Asibikaashi had difficulties keeping track of everyone so Ojibwa women; mothers, sisters and Nokomi (the grandmothers) decided to help her. They started to weave magical webs into willow loops. First dream catchers were hanged above baby cradles. Air playing with the feathers was entertainment for the newborns.


The round shape of the dream catcher represents the sun goddess Giizis who travels across the sky each day. The gemstone in the middle of the web is the symbol of the great spirit, whose energy flows in every living being. Gemstones have become so rare that the modern-day Ojibwas don´t tend to use them anymore in their dream catchers. Eight knots that tighten the web into the hoop are the eight legs of the spider woman. Sometimes feather is added to the middle of the dream catcher. The feather symbolizes air. Owl´s feather is known as the woman´s feather and it stands for the ”keeper of wisdom”. Eagle´s feather is known as the man´s father and it symbolizes courage. Not all Ojibwa dream catchers are round, one can also find tear-shaped dream catchers. The shape of the tear symbolizes the dew that Asibikaashi collected.

How to initiate your dream catcher

I am a big fan of dream catchers and I love making them. You can basically create a dream catcher from anything and they come in all shapes and forms. Ojibwas initiated their dream catchers in a ceremony and you can do the same. Lit a sage and let the smoke go through your dream catcher (you can cleanse your room at the same time). While you are doing this visualize what kind of dreams you wish your dream catcher to bring to you. At the end of the ceremony thank the Spider woman for bringing you peaceful dreams.


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