September 16, 2023

We know Christians should forgive, but what does this look like? Read this article to learn what forgiveness means (and doesn't mean), what the Bible has to say about forgiveness, and 12 warning signs that you haven't forgiven others as fully as you think you have. Read more

August 28, 2023

September is National Self Improvement Month. Unfortunately, it can come with some real drawbacks Christians need to be aware of. Read more

August 24, 2023

Does life's endless hustle and bustle ever leave you feeling tired, weary, or overwhelmed? Here are 10 daily devotionals to help you start your day with purpose. Read more

July 24, 2023

Ever wonder what Heaven will be like? While we'll never know for sure until we officially make it to Heaven someday, Scripture does give us plenty of clues for all we have to look forward to. Here's what the Bible says about Heaven. Read more

July 24, 2023

How did the simple question of "Who should I be friends with?" become so controversial? In this article, we're exploring the importance of International Day of Friendship while answering the question: Should Christians be friends with non-Christians? Read more

June 27, 2023

Yes, the Bible really says "money is the answer to all things." Here's what King Solomon meant by this phrase, how he came to this conclusion and what it means for us as Christians today. Read more

June 14, 2023

If your dad, stepdad, grandpa, or husband has had a tremendous impact on your faith, here are 3 ways to honor dad this Father's Day. Read more

May 13, 2023

You think you know what the Bible say, but do you really? Here are 7 easy ways to study the Bible for yourself -- and why you need to! Read more

May 12, 2023

Is Tom Hanks a Catholic? Explore Hanks' complicated history with various religious affiliations here. Read more

May 11, 2023

What does the Bible say about mothers? Plenty! In honor of Mother's Day, here are five main themes about motherhood we see in Scripture. Read more

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