September 24, 2023

Evolution doesn’t go backwards. So when God releases you into a thing- actually when you allow Him to bring you out to the front- things are no longer the same. When the curtain is pulled back and you are realeased into the next level of your true self, your world becomes brand new. My charge to you today: Don’t let anyone dull your shine. I don’t care if it’s your mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, dog or cat. Your... Read more

September 17, 2023

This little light of mine is burning brighter than ever today. As I look back over the blissful summer that I’ve had I can be nothing but grateful. God orchestrated things in such a way that I could not only be useful and impactful, He did it in such a way that I could be restored. Writing this I am simply in awe of the Master of the Universe. He is so mindful of me; He loves me not just... Read more

September 10, 2023

I had to go there because of the date. Here in America the number 911 signifies a few things. As citizens we are familiar with the emergency service. Dial 911 and you can get ambulance, police or fire intervention. We can also never forget the fanatical individuals that wanted to bring our country to it’s knees on 9/11. Plotting the destruction of landmarks and murder of innocent citizens for media attention and recruitment is sick. Thirdly, we’re familiar with the... Read more

September 3, 2023

I watch very little news. So sometimes the weather catches me off guard. Recently I even drove right up to a crime scene not far from my mom’s house because I just am not tuned in to that. It’s just so overwhelmingly negative and imbalanced that I’ve chosen to opt out. And as a self-proclaimed media mogul, I make it a part of my personal mission to counter those stories. I always want to spread the gospel through real life... Read more

August 30, 2023

The Holy Scriptures say that a 3-fold cord is not easily broken. Well, imagine multiplying that times 8 and building up to a 25-fold cord. That is what I experienced this past weekend with a group of women that I now call my sisters. I don’t fully know how to express here what happened over a 3-day agenda of meetings, but what I will say is Charleston, South Carolina will never be the same and neither will anyone that came... Read more

August 20, 2023

Giants aren’t just from New York. They don’t just live up the beanstalk. In fact one of the greatest of all time, at least in my opinion, is right up the street in Beech Island, South Carolina and he’s been here all of his life. I’m talking about my Spiritual Father Hezekiah Pressley, Jr. He’s the founder and Bishop of New Beginning Ministries. I decided to do this piece because I honestly feel like I owe him my life. What... Read more

August 13, 2023

“Faith over fear” is one of the phrases that gained a lot of popularity at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when we were all quarantined for the most part and not knowing or understanding what would become of our communities and families with the onset of this deadly contagion. Fear was as widespread as this new invisible disease and the government was urging us to stay home. Officials told us it was not wise to even go to church.... Read more

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