The Chasm of Nothingness –Ways to Counteract This, To Support Someone Contemplating Suicide

The Chasm of Nothingness –Ways to Counteract This, To Support Someone Contemplating Suicide September 12, 2023

God’s sunset gift. Credit: Rich Siller

September is World Suicide Prevention Month. One of my colleagues lost her dad to suicide. My coworkers and I were all shocked when we heard. This dear friend courageously mentioned on social media that we all must try to open up about how we feel, and not bottle it up until we explode. It’s hard to be vulnerable and tell others about the emotions churning in our heads. We tend to keep our own counsel –a stiff upper lip.

This does not work. We absolutely must reach out to others, or a professional, to ease our internal storms.


sunflowers create happiness
Sunflowers are a symbol of solace. Credit: T. Siller

In recent years mental health has become an increasingly public goal. Stigmas are being busted, slowly but surely, and thank God for it.

988 is There To Help

When someone is in the absolute dark pit of despair, to the point of giving up on life, 988, the 24/7 Suicide Crisis Lifeline, is available for immediate help. According to the CDC, suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the US.

The tide can be beautiful, but the undertow is dangerous. Pixabay

Warning Signs a Person Might Take Their Life

We all need to be aware of the warning signs that someone is close to doing something drastic, from the National Institute of Mental Health:

  • talks about desiring death
  • speaks of an emptiness
  • feels trapped
  • suffers physical/emotional pain
  • feels like a burden
  • withdraws from family/friends
  • gives away precious items
  • says goodbye-a feeling of finality
  • makes a will
  • takes risks –drives too fast
  • presents extreme mood swings
  • searches online for suicide techniques
  • collects large amounts of pills
  • abuses alcohol

Can We Do Anything To Help?

When we see these things happening, we need to try to get them to talk. We must be available to listen and stay connected, strive to keep them safe. Ultimately, no one has the power to stop someone bound and determined to take their life, but we can at least help the best we can.

Life is so hard. It is severely challenging, even without specific traumatic experiences or toxic people. All of us cope with the human condition as well as we can. We aim toward balance between work and play. We choose our friends wisely and we don’t take things personally. We attempt to love and honor ourselves. We work toward meaningful goals. We want to help others. These practices fulfill us as much as possible, living this Earthly life, physically far from Heaven and our Creator. Above all else, we make sure to have conscious contact with God every day, which keeps us in His peace.

Some souls have trouble engaging their coping mechanisms. They feel negativity so deeply, it seemingly deteriorates them from the inside out. Their brains communicate a profound crater of darkness, out of which they feel powerless to climb.

They absolutely cannot find God amidst their despair, or they may believe in God, but not trust that He can, and wants to help them. They languish an ocean’s distance away from any relief from the torment.

It must be excruciating to exist here, forgetting that they are a unique miracle, specifically created by God for a purpose.

Dangerous Life Events Which Contribute To Suicide

Some young people struggle to have a bigger perspective on horrific life events. They sense that being in this awful place is their destiny forever. Such an awful trigger. They long to escape.

  • addiction to drugs/alcohol
  • bi-polar, severe anxiety, depression
  • personal trauma
  • loneliness
  • failure/bankruptcy (older adults have trouble with this)
  • severe bullying/cyber-bullying
  • invalidation of alternative lifestyle/condemnation by others
  • no way out
  • fake friends/betrayal

As we age, we notice negative experiences fade. A young person lacks this vision. I wish we could get them to understand that nothing lasts forever, except death! Billy Joel sums it up brilliantly, in his song, “You’re Only Human”.

What Does The Bible Have to Say?

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

This verse consoles me when I am anxious. The words are lovely, but it is work to truly believe, especially in the throes of a difficult time.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:6,7

My other favorite verse is Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

Pray, Pray, Pray

Everyone who attempts or commits suicide belongs in our daily prayers. The tragedy is so far-reaching and so shattering. God holds those victims close and comforts their families. These families need supernatural strength to go on, and we can help them by communicating often with God on their behalf.

Jesus truly gets us –all our myriad emotions, and no matter what, He always, always understands.

Jesus is never judgmental! Pixabay

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