3 Ways My Busted Wedding Ring Helped Me

3 Ways My Busted Wedding Ring Helped Me August 21, 2023

Claddagh Ring
There’s a hole in my heart that only God can fill. Credit: Rich Siller

From my busted wedding ring, I learned: 1. to seek God harder, 2. not to count on Earth’s pleasures, and 3. that I have a hole in my heart that only God can fill. St. Augustine once said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.”

Seek God Harder

Could I spend more time with God each day? You bet! I do my morning devotional, but I could certainly incorporate an afternoon and evening devotional, too. Instead, I dive headlong into my to-do list, and get frenetic immediately. If I gave an increased effort toward God, most likely He would bend time for me, so I’d get everything accomplished anyway! After all, as Jesus said, when Martha was frantically trying to get the meal ready for guests, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. Mary has chosen the better, (sitting with Jesus), and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41

We will never do or achieve anything here on this planet which is more valuable than our seeking of our Father! I tend to judge my value on my productivity each day. Jesus wants us to know that all we need to do is sit there, and He loves us with an everlasting love. Really? I can just be? And my value is guaranteed in God’s eyes? So, let me get this straight –I have not checked off any chore, the salary I earned is low, and the dinner I cooked burned. The house stinks! God still smiles and sings to me? Loves me with an everlasting love? Yep. What a concept.

Don’t Count on Earth’s Pleasures

Nothing we could ever find on this Earth remotely compares to God Himself. We get little snippets of the divine here, like God’s unique, artistic sunsets, or a cute cat or dog’s antics. Babies’ laughter also remind us of God’s incredible creativity. The Lord wants us to have these things here in the world He created, and He had a blast doing so. But all good things come to an end, and we cannot have mountaintop experiences 24/7. We anchor ourselves in homes and careers, which can go, “Poof!” in a heartbeat. We must enjoy the breathtaking beauty here, and know that it doesn’t last indefinitely; only God does. We must hold loosely the things of this Earth.

Boy did I ever learn this when I endured Hurricane Ian in 2022! Our very home and sanctuary was irreparably damaged. When we get devastated and unmoored, God comforts us and gives us hope for Heaven, where “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev. 21:2-4

I’ve heard it once said, that “the greatest pleasures in life are immoral, illegal and fattening.” Indeed. I know a few people who struggle with addictions. (Please Lord! Heal them)! Essentially, as we all do, they are trying to fill their souls with something. They are talented, smart, funny people with huge potential. They could live magnificent lives, if they would allow God to help them beat their demons. They don’t yet know that God wants to heal them and lead them to Him, and that Him is ALL THEY NEED.

I Have A Hole In My Heart That Only God Can Fill

The other day I was consumed with melancholy. A few of my dearest friends were super busy and unavailable, and I desperately wanted to talk. I did my woe-is-me routine. I complained to my husband, who is an exemplary listener. Then yesterday, the aquamarine stone fell out of my Claddagh Wedding Ring heart. I’m still wearing the ring, but it’s empty. It looks weird. I lamented to my husband, who profoundly said, “You have a hole in your heart that only God can fill.” How apropos to the loneliness I had just experienced the previous day! I tell ya what, my ball and chain comes up with some compelling stuff! I told him, “Thank you! That’s an article!”


blossoms for joy
God loves to fill our lives with color! Credit: T. Siller

I am a chaser. I get very intimidated by others and how they view me and my achievements. I always feel that I’ve fallen short. I rarely am satisfied with the outcome of my toil. This reminds me to “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

God doesn’t care what’s on our resumes! Our resumes will never fill our heart.

I read in Glennon Doyle‘s Untamed, that she really presses in, to bring herself into the presence of God. She just tucks herself into her closet among the comforters and shoes, and gets really quiet. She sits down and relaxes her body, mind and breath completely. There she finds Him and His help. She takes the time to make herself one with the universe. I loved reading about that! We must sweep away all distractions in order to get into the aura of God. He wants to communicate with us here! If only we would find the moments to let Him in.

Western Sunset
God’s goodnight-A California sunset. Credit: Carrie Siller

As I gaze upon my funky-looking, aquamarine-less wedding ring, I ponder God telling me to: 1. Seek Him harder, 2. Hold loosely life’s fleeting blessings, and 3. There is a hole in my heart that only He can fill.

About Theresa Corbley Siller
Theresa Siller has been a teacher of all ages for 37 years. She has been published in Guideposts, Dance Studio Life, The Magnolia Literary Journal, OC87 Recovery Diaries, and her column, "Rising Stars", appeared in The Cape Coral Breeze Newspaper. She has published five books on Amazon. Theresa is very grateful to God for her husband, Rich, and their three daughters, Michelle, Caroline and Christyanne. You can read more about the author here.

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