Ru•ach Ha•kó•desh and Who the Holy Spirit Is

Ru•ach Ha•kó•desh and Who the Holy Spirit Is August 30, 2023

For the better part of a year, there has been a lot of controversy on social media over faith communities and what they believe. Conservatives have had their fair share of falls from grace.

  • Baptist Church scandals
  • Catholic Church coverups
  • charismatic church discrepancies

God’s people need to repent and remember they represent God who is above all. “Born again” followers aren’t supposed to walk in the way of the world; we are called to be earthy representatives of God above.

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Politicians are called to represent the people; however conservative politicians should represent the will of God above.

The Jewish-Greek word used in the New Testament for again is anôthen and it means “from above.” If we are being led by a “Spirit,” it is by the one above—not an earthly one.

Holy Spirit

All Christian faiths acknowledge the Holy Spirit but have different views on the functions of it. Having the Holy Spirit is a pivotal part of being a Christian. The Apostle Paul states that the Holy Spirit is a “seal” on believers (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

The Apostle Paul relied upon his Jewish understanding of the Holy Spirit when writing to the early church. Paul mentions both the “fruit” (Galatians 5:22-23) and “gifts” of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 4-11).

Fruit tree
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The Torah first mentions the Spirit of God in the book of Genesis (Genesis 1:2). The Holy Spirit is a very “Jewish“ belief. In Judaism, the Holy Spirit is called, “Ruach Hakodésh”. Ruach also means a wind and kodésh is translated as holy;  together,  the Holy Spirit of God.

Ru•ach Ha•kó•desh

jewish Temple
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In Judaism, there are many beliefs and teachings about the Spirit of God. A different name was given for each function or attribute of the Spirit.







  1. Ruach Olah (eternal Spirit)
  2. Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit)
  3. Ruach Hadesh Ka’ sher dibber (Spirit of the promise)
  4. Ruach Adonai (Spirit of Adonai)
  5. Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God)
  6. Ruach Yeshua ( Spirit of Yeshua)
  7. Ruach Hamet (Spirit of truth)
  8. Ruach Ha-cholmah (Spirit of wisdom)
  9. Ruach He-Chazon (Spirit of revelation)
  10. Ruach Ha-Mashiach ( Spirit of the Messiah)

God has filled many roles throughout eternity. Christianity expresses this through the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus came as the Messiah, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him from above during His Mikveh (Matthew 3:16).  While on earth, Jesus fulfilled all of the roles of the promised Messiah (Mashiach).


The promise of the Messiah was His deliverance from the powers of this world. It was prophesied He would be from the lineage of David. By the time the other “Son of David,” Jesus arrived, David rested with his forefathers in heaven.


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Of course, the Spirit had to descend to Jesus from above. When David was young, he was anointed with oil by the prophet Samuel. Neither David nor Jesus was what God’s people wanted as kings.

Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, He comforted His disciples and promised to send them a comforter. Jesus’ claims about Himself proved His Godhood (John 14:6).

  • The way
  • The life
  • The truth

Jesus taught the day was coming when His people would worship God in Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). Jesus also warned His followers about false teachers and deceiving spirits (Matthew 7:15-20).

I’ll never forget hearing Josh McDowell explain truth at a Promise Keepers conference years ago, “Truth is defined as ‘that which verifies the original.” Only Jesus can claim to be the truth because He was there in the beginning with God and the  Ruach Hakodésh!

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