January 29, 2023

I was in a program where I received treatment in a group setting in a clinical environment. Being a former minister, it was oftentimes difficult for me to adjust, first to not being the leader and second to being the one to open up in these settings. Yet what I learned about myself and about these small group systems was invaluable. Serving in the mainline protestant church in the upper Midwest, I realize that we can often be somewhat ‘stuffy’... Read more

January 11, 2023

I feel like the word ‘sin’ gets a bad rap these days. I should know. I’m a theologically progressive Christian. The word simply has too much baggage. What’s the first thought that comes up when you think of sin? If the answer is a shame, you’re not the only one. The word has been used in a way to control, and cast shame, fear, and guilt upon people since the beginning of Christianity. So why would I want to defend... Read more

January 3, 2023

Depression has haunted me on and off since I was in high school. Anxiety came into the picture more when the church came into my life as my occupation. Both have weaved their way in and out of my life on several occasions. Some will be quick to quote Deuteronomy 30:19 and to “Choose Life.” “Fear God and keep his commands” as it says in the conclusion of Ecclesiastes. But it’s not that simple. Anyone who has experienced it knows... Read more

December 28, 2022

There was once a time when I saw being a pastor as being one of the highest goals of my life. Don’t get me wrong, there were some awesome moments where I lived out my call. Yet being treated as a commodity by denominations through multiple licensing and ordination deferrals along with congregations that are backstabbing, have unseen expectations and expect low standards of living for their pastors – the combination inevitably puts the pastor in the middle. For a... Read more

December 19, 2022

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. The lights, the activities, the gifts, and the music, have always seemed to captivate me under its spell. For most of my life, I was told the celebration of Christmas was about the birthday of Jesus, and that is the principal religious story that is told. I don’t want to remove this season from these sacred stories. But what if Christmas is even bigger and deeper than that? What if Christmas is a... Read more

December 12, 2022

In one of the early Star Trek films, William Shatner’s character states that ‘how we look at death is at least as important as how we face life.” It’s a statement that continues to ring through my ears as I contemplate eternity and the concept of the afterlife. Because really, what’s so great about the afterlife? Isn’t what we have in the here and now most important? Perhaps it’s time we rethink this topic. What scripture has to say Let’s... Read more

December 5, 2022

Maybe I should have kept more to myself. I should have asked fewer questions. As the would-be ‘prophet’ that came to the Assemblies of God church I once attended said: “you know too much.” Perhaps he got that right. I grew up in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. It’s a very formal, fundamental version of Lutheranism that has much more in common with modern Evangelicals than they would like to admit. They also become somewhat snarky when you question any of... Read more

November 30, 2022

I am a minister in my mid-30s who was recently diagnosed with autism. I have learned a great deal in the short time since my diagnosis. In my previous post, you will find an account of my journey up until this point. Every case of autism is different Okay, time for some autism 101. Here is literally what autism is according to Cynthia Kim in her book I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis... Read more

September 13, 2022

I am David, and I am an autistic, bisexual, Christian minister. A few months ago, that combination of words would never have passed through my mind. Writing them has been like scales falling from my eyes. Growing up I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) when I was in kindergarten and struggled in school through my elementary school years both socially and academically. They tried every drug in the book on me, but none worked. My mother, a church... Read more

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