November 28, 2017

I find this poem breathtaking. I hope you do, too. Stafford's simple scene challenges us to recognize that the enemies of humanity are those who teach hate. And that is how they can start a war. Read more

November 21, 2017

For the beginning of the holiday season, most Quakers do just about nothing. The idea is that every day is just as holy as the next, so making a big fuss about one day seems a bit sacrilegious. The idea of an entire season dedicated to holidays is kind of ridiculous. Read more

November 17, 2017

Fisher was jailed often in York for preaching, and in 1653 she and Elizabeth Williams became the first Quakers to be publicly flogged for their ministry. The Church of England fought long and hard for its ascendency and did not trifle with dissenters such as Quakers. It was in York jail that other Quaker women, Elizabeth Wooten and Jane Holmes, taught Mary to read and write. Read more

November 14, 2017

What are you thinking, Christians in America, when you say we need unrestricted access to guns? Today, guns were the instruments of killing innocents; last week for killing neighbors. Read more

November 9, 2017

By the 1820's, she was well enough know to be attacked in the press for taking so active a role in public affairs, especially when men sought her professional knowledge. She was accused of neglecting her home and family. Read more

November 1, 2017

Women who speak out are brave, not only because they’ve gone against a powerful aggressor and exposed themselves to judgment, but because it takes courage to tell people about humiliating events and relive those degrading emotions. Read more

October 27, 2017

Because she was a woman, Mott was denied entrance at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in 1840 in London. She stayed outside the conference hall and preached about female equality. Read more

October 24, 2017

It isn't just because Clinton wasn't elected, but because everything we had worked so hard for during the last 50 years was suddenly, abruptly, brought an end to. Read more

October 19, 2017

Each week for the next month or so, I will write about a great Quaker woman. These women lived full lives, all inspired or led by their Quaker faith. It can seem too much to be a Quaker all day everyday. I hope these women encourage you! Read more

October 17, 2017

Although Quakerism does better than many faith practices in terms of gender equity, that bar isn’t quite high enough to be meaningful. We have work to do. Read more

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