June 20, 2023

I created this ritual, divination spread, journal prompts and affirmation for tomorrow’s Summer Solstice, to honor the sun and work a little magic. What I’ve created for you is in the same format as the Moon Rituals Complete Course, which I send out twice a month for the new moon and full moon. For those signed up, they receive everything below twice a month with different themes, plus additional discounts on services. Whether you use this ritual, the journal prompts,... Read more

June 8, 2023

It’s not commonly known that the saints, as a class of spirits, exist across all cultures and religions, and that most of them are willing to work with anyone regardless of affiliation. There is a patron saint for everyone, and there are patron saints for witches. There are numerous other saints that are generous to all. Saint Anthony of Padua is one of them. While not himself known as a patron saint of witches, he’s certainly amenable to magical workings,... Read more

April 5, 2023

During book club last weekend, the topic turned to apocalyptic stories, and I mentioned that I typically avoid apocalyptic media because I don’t care for those storylines, except for old TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Although those shows share the same universe, when the apocalypse is happening in Sunnydale it’s not reaching as far as L.A. Then I remembered a story from The Way of the Rose by Clark Strand and Perdita Finn and a deeper... Read more

April 4, 2023

Thistle is a dear plant friend and ally full of medicine and magick. It’s a protective plant, teaching us how to be confident and how to stand up for ourselves with grace. It grew in my gardens last year, as the plants we need around us tend to do when we’re not too busy trying to control everything. There in its unassuming yet prickly stance, it offered me wisdom. The thorns are an obvious signature for protection, the uprightness of... Read more

March 9, 2023

After posting about my before-life memory regarding my grandpa, a friend reached out to me and asked me about my experiences from my early twenties when I was married to a religious Christian man. She wanted to know if I maintained this witch/psychic part of myself while married to him. I’ve been considering how to craft a post around this topic, because it’s a tangled ball of yarn. This is my life, not a simple story or narrative. I’m going... Read more

February 27, 2023

Intuition is a complicated phenomenon, and if you don’t know how to use it right it can be confusing and make a mess of things. It’s easy to confuse intuition with desire, with creativity, and with fear. It’s easy because intuition is usually a small part of each of these things. Our intuitions alert us to people and situations that are dangerous. It says “yes” to the things that feel right for us, helping us to know ourselves. It’s an... Read more

February 22, 2023

When I was a very young and small child, I pointed at a picture of my grandpa and said: “I know him, he’s my grandpa. He gave me gum.” My mother was floored. She paraded a queue of old dudes into the room, asking if it was perhaps this other man, or that. It was none of them. My grandpa died before I was born. The memory I have of him is a real memory. I can still recall it... Read more

February 10, 2023

My roots as an herbalist are magical. I remember picking out the spot in the yard for my very first herb garden. I unintentionally chose an area with the worst soil. It was rocky, dry, hard to dig up. I toiled to prepare the space, and then my mom took me to the greenhouse to pick out the plants that would hopefully thrive in this space I prepared. Inspired by Scott Cunningham’s “Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs,” I picked foxglove, catnip,... Read more

January 3, 2023

Sometimes the simplest ceremonies are the most magical. If you enjoy working with plant spirits, tea ceremonies may well be a good magical fit for you. You can use store-bought tea or blend your own herbs from your garden. Just make sure that if you’re harvesting your own herbs, you know exactly what it is you are harvesting. The entire experience of making tea is a ritual of connection if you allow it to be so, from gathering your ingredients,... Read more

December 6, 2022

Though this time of year can be very stressful in practical matters, there are a variety of ways we can lighten our spirits and deepen our magickal practice as we journey through the dark half of the year. Read more

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