October 2, 2023

It is often advisable to admit you do not know the answer rather than bluff your way through it. It shows a lack of integrity. But it is not a good idea to pretend you do not know the answer when everyone knows you do. It also shows a lack of integrity. The chief priests know the answer they believe to be true. Do they accept John’s authority came from heaven? They do not see their answer for or against... Read more

September 25, 2023

“Now or never!” Instead of never we could put “is the time.” Better still is the political slogan “(Whatever) Now!” Curiously though, none of these slogans are actually talking about present time. Rather, they are all talking about an ideal future because the present situation is not very good. Act now for the good of the future. We are given a great gift of eternity within the moment. The gift of now is underappreciated. But only because we think we... Read more

September 18, 2023

“Fascism will come to America wrapped in the flag while carrying the cross.” – not said by Sinclair Lewis. There is no state or national church in the United States. We do not have one because of a freedom of religion (and from religion) value enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. But that does not stop some ambitious religious leaders. When fascism was new in the 1920’s and 30’s, the economic and social crises of the time... Read more

September 14, 2023

Like everyone else, I am guilty of listening to what I want to hear. Most of the time, this bias only applies to music. You are not likely to catch me listening to “worship music” in my car. Very rarely will I sit through country music. I like Rock, Metal, Punk, and a little (what was once called) New Wave. Some country rock is fine with me. It all depends on my mood. When Jimmy Buffet died, I listened to... Read more

September 12, 2023

Jesus showed up just after I began my sermon Sunday morning. He was in the guise of an older man with long white hair and beard. His shirt was blue. The chain around his neck sported a cross. He wore shorts. When he entered the sanctuary he sat in an empty back pew. Strange for a church, I know. He appeared to pay attention to my sermon on accountable discipleship. Once or twice I thought he was raising his hand... Read more

September 7, 2023

A straight white male attended our local pride event. It was me. I am not the only professing Christian that attended. There was no telling how many were there throughout the entire event. Another group of Christians were kept out of the event for reasons of safety. So, a large local police presence was there as well to keep order. The culture war is alive and well where I reside. Pride and Shame The Christians who were kept out were... Read more

September 5, 2023

Church, we need to talk. I know we do a lot of it. We talk about acting. We discuss resources. And we speak about the future and about preserving the past. But we really need a sit down. A serious discussion should ensue about what we are doing. Conflicting Talk I know you are tired of hearing about decline, not doing enough, loving our neighbor, and all the other stuff we preachers say. I am tired of saying it too.... Read more

August 31, 2023

United Methodists ask that question in our membership vows. Will you be loyal? Today, I want to ponder the virtue of loyalty. In my childhood, the value was instilled in me from both the Boy Scout Law and Fred Flintstone’s Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes. Being true to your school, true blue, or standing with one’s own, marked the essence of a person’s character. There is a line one will not cross. Beyond that there would be dragons. Loyal Devotion... Read more

August 28, 2023

A lot of my early ministry was filled with either/or thinking. The extent of me contemplating any idea was either it is true or false, right or wrong, and either it works or it does not. A body continues in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. It took many outside forces for me to break that mode of thinking. One of those was the first time I saw a Great Blue Heron in the “wild.” I use quotes... Read more

August 24, 2023

Is a seminary education worth getting? It is a major commitment to earn the Master of Divinity degree required for ordination. The three or four years of schooling at the graduate level appears daunting. In my own case, I had been out of college ten years, had a young family, and a student appointment of three churches. I attended a school in another state from where my family and churches were. I made it through in three years. Other students... Read more

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