October 3, 2023

The heritage of evangelical Christianity in the United States is founded upon systemic racism that perpetuated itself generation after generation for centuries. Although both the church and America remains racially divided today, you and I can participate in a future where healing takes place. The Great Compartmentalization In the early 19th century, a religious revival known as the Second Great Awakening swept across the nation, igniting spiritual fervor and inspiring many to grapple with slavery among other issues.  Christians compartmentalized their... Read more

September 28, 2023

I am the real Church. I don’t care about status or wealth.  I don’t care about what clothes you wear. I don’t care about your past. I care about you, and about what is important to you. I’m a great listener. It’s not my place to judge you—just to love you. I pray for you. When you hurt, I hurt too. When you are happy, it gives me joy! I am excited about worshipping with you! I want to be... Read more

September 24, 2023

I call it “The Purge.” No, I’m not talking about the horror film franchise depicting an annual night where any and all crime is 100% legal. Nor am I referring to the notable but unequivocal free fall in church attendance that began during mandatory COVID-19 lockdowns and has if anything accelerated, especially among the young, singles, and progressives. I mean pastors seem to be getting fired, and ministers are losing their credentials at an increasing rate. I’m not a statistician, but... Read more

September 22, 2023

As I grew up attending church, the story of “The Adulterous Woman” from the Gospel of John was a familiar tale. Whether it was delivered from the pulpit by grave, serious pastors, grandmothers teaching Sunday school, or even a socially awkward youth volunteer trying but failing to appear cool by giving a devotional over pizza, the closing message “Go and sin no more” spoken by Jesus was invariably presented as a threatening mic drop. I could almost hear in those... Read more

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