Jervis Campbell: Music You Should Listen to in 2023

Jervis Campbell: Music You Should Listen to in 2023 March 25, 2023

Jervis Campbell playing guitar

I love finding new music, especially if it is unique and creative. Jervis Campbell is an artist I stumbled across earlier this year, and I have not been able to keep his songs out of my daily listening list.

Unique and Creative

My taste in music is broad. I frequently listen to songs or albums from singer/songwriter to folk, pop, rap, and hard rock. My favorite musicians have unique sounds and creative visions but still make good music. I also freely admit that “good” is subjective, and everyone has their preference and taste.

Jervis is based in Nashville but originally hails from North Carolina. His voice is distinctive, much like bands in the early 90s had lead singers who you could tell just by their sound. The danger with having a unique voice is that every song begins to sound like every other song. Jervis does not fall into this trap. He varies styles and influences in his songs so that while familiar, they are all fresh. His voice drips with soul, and his music follows suit.

Self Produced

One reason his music can sound unique is he records and produces his music. One of the “blessings” of the pandemic was that people had more time to be at home, and Jervis took advantage of that to create great music. Onward and Upward was his first full album and was released in 2021. It has quickly become one of my favorites. In a world of iTunes and Spotify, where you can cherry-pick individual songs, his album is one you should listen to from the opening note to the last chord. The album makes me wish I had an expensive stereo and a high-fidelity record player I could just lay in front of as the sound washes over me.

On his website, he explains that every song is a prayer that has helped him through his life and hopes that they would help you too. Jervis generously puts the lyrics and chords charts for his music on his website for free. What a testimony to his desire that his music can be shared and performed. This extra step makes his music a gift, revealing his heart for those who listen to and love his music.

His music mixes acoustic and electric guitars with soaring vocals. Many songs have a “southern gospel” feel, complete with a chorus of voices, but without cascading into sappy. I must admit I am a sucker for any rock group that uses an organ to complement their music, and you can find it in droves on Onward and Upward. Sidenote, not on the album but released earlier, “Glory” carries all of the abovementioned influences in style. It may be my favorite song, but it is too hard to choose just one.

New EP and Tour

Jervis has recently released new music on an EP titled Higher Love. The songs are the first salvo of his second album release that he is currently working on. The track list includes the songs “Higher Love,” which was just released last week, “Hold on,” and “Hope.” His new album will be titled Hopeful Hearts Club, and though sometimes I can be slow on the take, I see a genuine “H” theme and influence here.

Jervis has hit the road with his band supporting the new album. His tour predominantly stops in smaller venues that have general admission. Seeing your favorite band with thousands of other fans can be fun, but I think nothing beats standing a few feet away. Don’t miss seeing Jervis and his band in the smaller setting! Then go back to see him when he fills stadiums (hopefully shortly)! I already have my ticket for a show in late April!

Future for Jervis Campbell

I look forward to seeing him perform live and the release of the entire second album in 2023. As a bonus, Jervis partners with his wife, Nancy,  to release music as Campbell. They haven’t put much music out yet, but I am excited about future collaboration. This is music you need to listen to, music I wish I had a time machine to go back and introduce myself to sooner, and music you should include in your daily life.

Check out my regularly updated playlist on Spotify with music I find unique and creative.

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I also produce a weekly podcast called The Unbroken Ground. 

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