Thoughtful Unrelated Sayings

Thoughtful Unrelated Sayings September 23, 2023

This is simply a collection of thoughtful, unrelated sayings, but then again, so is Proverbs.

FaithGiant | bible coffee | 08.04.21 | pixabay

I was talking with a church leader who was asking me about my marital situation. There’s a real anxiety that this could turn out bad. Almost like a declaration he confidently stated:

“God is still God over divorce. It’s not His 1st choice, but He is still Sovereign.”

I am moving up the road. My General Manager is trying to get me transferred to our store there. Time is ticking and she is doing all she can, but I am still waiting on a call. Sensing my frustration she said:
“God forbid that He would do things in our timing.”

Sarah Reeves
Get Back Your Fight

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I like this saying a friend posted.
“Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending.”

This is a quote from my notes from a Wednesday night group I’m leading at church. This quote led to at least 10 minutes of great group discussion.
“We paint the Christian life out to be a bed of roses.
People don’t respond to patty-cake Christianity.
Christianity is hard.
Life is hard.
But we have Christ and the church to walk with us now.”

A popular lady preacher said this recently, and I so want to believe it personally.
“What you have been believing God for a long time can happen in a short time!”

I was talking to a couple coworkers in the break room. I just thought this was a good quote for this time of year.
“It’s getting to be that time of year when I’m craving hot chocolate, but it’s not cold enough for it.”

When a numbered work tool was checked out to me the manager said:
“You get 7 because you’re a lucky guy!”

This is from some material for a group I’m in on Sunday mornings. I think we can reach a certain point where this is true.
“There are two ways to learn: mistakes or mentors.”

A former colleague was asking me about life. When she found out about my plight, she looked me in the eyes and said:
“It’s difficult and it hurts when you’re going through it, but you heal.”

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