September 28, 2023

It’s another one of those times…I know them well. When I’m standing firm on The Rock at life’s seashore of lessons learned, in comes a wave so enormous that Bitterness and Frustration grab a hold of me attempting to un-plant my feet. Oh, it rocks me from side to side, but I remain standing. Just about the time I steady myself, here comes another one. This time Anger and Deceit lash out at me. I squat down gaining some grip... Read more

September 21, 2023

Have you ever wished you could just stop the clock, rewind time, and yell, “DO OVER”? Unfortunately for me, I do! I take the moment I wish I could erase, put on my apron, and begin to knead it repeatedly until a well-mixed and massive ball of disappointment and regret appears. I let this massive ball rest, contemplating a solution to my stupidity. When suddenly, I looked back and this already massive ball, doubled in size. I dig my hands... Read more

September 14, 2023

I find myself holding hands with Frustration in the stagnant waters of Complacency. I wouldn’t say exactly that it’s refreshing, but it does give some relief during Anger’s rising temperature. There is wind, lots of wind and I stand here wondering if this is truly the place God has called me. The view‘s not bad from here but is it healthy? The gloomy clouds close in. I can no longer see the SON. Fear’s Fungus Creeps In I’m surrounded by... Read more

September 6, 2023

The cool humid air clung to his skin. He slumped down on the cemetery’s rock wall, allowing his feet to dangle from the side barely off the ground. Sorrow, Suffering, and Silence Offer Comfort Sorrow sat beside him on his right. He could feel her presence without turning in her direction. Suffering embraced him from behind, placing her arms around his neck and pressing into his back. He dropped his head and tears trickled down his cheeks. Silence sat to... Read more

August 31, 2023

I often stand in bewilderment at how life can unexpectedly throw us off balance. Sometimes I stand there, mouth agape, frozen in puzzlement, and think can this really be happening? Did I just go from polishing my gem to faceplanting in a cow pie at the bottom of the mountain? I was so focused on getting my diamond to shine that I forgot to look up. Fear and Doubt Lurk Around Every Corner Truth leads me up the rocky mountain... Read more

August 29, 2023

I have always had a passion for writing. So, when I retired from decades of human resource work, I decided to pursue my passion. God and I meet daily, and the most amazing writing happens when I allow Him to use me as His instrument. My hands peck away at the keyboard as if they have a mind of their own.  My heart races. My mind buzzes. And when the piece comes to completion, I’m delighted with the result. Uncertainty... Read more

August 24, 2023

When Calamity knocks on my door, I hand Anger the reins to my emotional wagon. My words gallop out of my mouth as if pulled by a herd of wild horses. It’s an unfortunate mess because I can’t take them back. Our words can destroy or protect. Humiliate or edify. They can expose or conceal. Judge or show mercy. Our word choices can show hate or show love. They can introduce you to Deceit or seat you next to Truth.... Read more

August 17, 2023

We often find ourselves in undesirable situations. Maybe things are not going the way we planned. Expectations not met. Could it be, we made some really stupid decisions or displayed some horrible attitudes that landed us in this undesirable place? John 16:33 No matter the undesirable situation or how we landed here, we must remember that this is not the end. Jesus said, “ I have told you this so you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on... Read more

August 10, 2023

Part 2 Find a Mentor Jesus said, “Can a blind man guide a blind man?’ Wouldn’t they both end up in the ditch? An apprentice doesn’t lecture the master.” ( Luke 6:40 MSG) Jesus was a mentor to His twelve disciples. They couldn’t have done what they did with His guidance. Having a mentor to help guide us along God’s path is not only biblical but necessary. We need each other. God made us relational beings to share in the... Read more

August 8, 2023

Part 1 Authors convey messages through their writings. Some write fiction while others write nonfiction. Some pen romance, history, and thrillers while others type fairy tales, adventures, and mysteries. Whatever the genre and medium there’s always a message. Christian authors, however, have an ulterior motive; they want to share Christ with the world. “My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life,... Read more

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