September 21, 2023

50 years after the Yom Kippur war, my soul remembers. Yom Kippur is known as a day of atonement and self- forgiveness. A time for reconciliation and spiritual growth. However, for me, it is not just about forgiveness. It is a reminder of my first true meeting with loss and grief. The pains of war. 50 years after the  war, my soul remembers. I had just turned 15, it was a warm but comfortable Oct. day. The quiet and peacefulness... Read more

September 13, 2023

What feels different about Rosh Hashana this year? Rosh Hashanah has always been a very special time of year for me, my soul my being. I would prepare with excitement a readiness for self -reflection. I looked forward to spending time with my spiritual home in NYC Romemu synagogue. Where spiritual, musical and soul nurturing services would wrap their arms around me. However, there is a different energy in the realm of Rosh Hashana. So, what feels different about Rosh... Read more

September 6, 2023

Autumn offers many spiritual reflections. As each new season approaches, nature shares her wisdom on the gift of renewal. Autumn offers many spiritual reflections. The constant visual change of its landscape making it easier for the soul to understand. In this way, inviting us to pause for introspection and gaze into our own heart’s landscape.     By doing so we make room for our own spiritual growth. Changing leaves become our teachers, our guide to transition and letting go. At... Read more

August 23, 2023

A Catholic Cardinal’s meeting with AJC (American Jewish Committee) stood as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle of anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial. In our era, interfaith connections are greatly needed. The core belief in equality for the entirety of humanity is a value that must be nourished by all faiths. This sentiment resonated greatly at the recent Conference of World Religions. A Catholic Cardinal’s meeting with AJC (American Jewish Committee) stood as a beacon of hope, in the... Read more

August 16, 2023

A Core teaching in Judaism, the commandment to love and help the stranger. Jews have had to take care of themselves for centuries.  All Jews are responsible for each other.  Kol Israel aravim zeh lzeh. Jews around the world have heard and internalized this saying. An oppressed minority, Jews learned early on to form their own humanitarian organizations. However,  I have used a  different core teaching in Judaism to lead my way. The commandment to love and help the stranger... Read more

August 9, 2023

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has succeeded in disrupting the flow of unity even within myself. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has succeeded in disrupting the flow of unity even within myself. I am heading back to NYC after 3 and a half weeks of being in Tel-Aviv. Ranked one of the happiest cities in the world.   I am used to switching gears from my Israeli mode to my NY one. Both, live contently in my heart. Because I spend time... Read more

July 25, 2023

Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu petrified of going to jail for crimes he committed, initiated the biggest war on Israel since 1948. Yesterday was a very dark moment for the state of Israel. I knew for weeks, or perhaps as long as I had been demonstrating in the name of democracy(29 weeks straight) in New York and Tel-Aviv it would most probably happen. But the pain, rage and oceans of tears still felt like a strong punch in the stomach,... Read more

July 13, 2023

The pictures I was witnessing was not my Israel, it was not the country so many have given the utmost sacrifice for.  The first steps to converting Israel from a Jewish democratic state to a dictatorship passed in the Knesset on Monday night. The following day, tens of thousands of  Israelis took to the streets. At the airport and corners of every kind to let their voices of disapproval be heard. I knew my fellow Israelis would not stay quiet,... Read more

July 5, 2023

How could I write about peace and love, as the winds of war and terror fill the streets of Israel and the west bank? I began to write this column a few days ago. With excitement to share with you how peace has connected me to my heritage’s blessings and prayers. There was going to  be praise Shir Lashalom, “Song for Peace”, one of the most known Israeli songs for peace. One I have sung since I was a young... Read more

June 17, 2023

Why do I light Shabbat candles every Friday night? I have always found a candle to be quite spiritual, or even magical. In Judaism, almost every holiday begins the night before with the lighting of a candle. On each holiday eve, and on Chanukah for eight nights, there is an opportunity to experience the preciousness of a newly lit flame. But my favorite candle lighting is the one I do every Friday night, Shabbat candles. I didn’t grow up in... Read more

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