More Linguistic Evidence Suggesting that Joseph Smith Didn’t Write the Book of Mormon

More Linguistic Evidence Suggesting that Joseph Smith Didn’t Write the Book of Mormon January 8, 2022


The 8 Witnesses in our documentary
The experience of the Eight Witnesses as re-created for the forthcoming documentary portion of the Interpreter Foundation’s “Witnesses” film project, in a still photograph by James Jordan. I frankly confess that I was disappointed, at first, by the very mundane appearance of this scene. But then I realized that my reaction was irrational. That the experience of the Eight Witnesses with the plates of the Book of Mormon was mundane, prosaic, matter of fact, is precisely the POINT of their experience and is what gives their account its remarkable evidentiary power.




A new article appeared today in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship:


“A Comparison of the Book of Mormon’s Subordinate That Usage,” by Stanford Carmack

Abstract: This paper compares the Book of Mormon’s subordinate that usage with what is found in the King James Bible, pseudo-archaic writings, and the greater textual record. In this linguistic domain, the Book of Mormon manifests as thoroughly archaic, and it surpasses all known pseudo-archaic writings in breadth and depth of archaism. The implications of this set of linguistic data indicate that the translation as originally dictated by Joseph Smith cannot plausibly be explained as the result of Joseph’s own word choices, but it is consistent with the hypothesis that the wording was somehow provided to him.




Another interesting article has appeared in Meridian Magazine.  This one is by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw.  And guess what?  It’s connected with the Interpreter Foundation:


“The Rediscovery of Enoch”

This series of articles introduces a new book entitled Enoch and the Gathering of Zion: The Witness of Ancient Texts for Modern Scripture (see review at: . Digital and softcover copies of the book are available now in black and white or beautiful premium color. See ). Though many Latter-day Saints will remember Hugh Nibley’s remarkable discoveries in ancient documents relating to the Book of Moses story of Enoch that were published nearly fifty years ago, they may not be aware of exciting new findings. For example, newly analyzed passages from the Book of Giants confirm the Latter-day Saint account of Enoch’s gathering of Zion and the eventual ascent of his people to heaven. In addition, based on the recent discovery of the Manichaean Cosmology Painting—a thirteenth–fourteenth century Chinese wall hanging that includes illustrations of Enoch’s story—we now have some idea of the symbolic geography of Enoch’s travels, likely portraits of individuals to whom he preached (including Mahijah), and what seems to be a depiction of the cities of Zion that ascended to heaven.

With the help of these ancient sources, we are now in a better position than ever to assemble the most complete and detailed biography of Enoch to appear in modern times. In our day, when stories of scripture figures are often dismissed as fables or ignored altogether, Enoch’s story and message are more vital and relevant than ever. After all, Latter-day Saints have been called, like Enoch’s people, to more fully engage our hearts and accelerate our labors in a spirit of consecration until the Enoch’s vision of a true and permanent Zion becomes a reality.




I had a lot of fun today recording a Follow Him podcast with Hank Smith and John Bytheway.  We discussed Genesis 18-23, which made things very easy because there’s a lot in those chapters to talk about.  I’m not sure when it will be finished and posted.




One of the leading conservative thinkers in America, a Roman Catholic, considers a very important subject — and does so with explicit reference to the Latter-day Saints:


“The Philosophical Basis of Biblical Marriage: As people of faith are increasingly critiqued for their convictions around marriage and family, they could be strengthened by a deeper appreciation of the philosophical basis of these religious teachings.”



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