Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana Vies for Quipster of the Year What exactly does Senator John...
Ready for a snarky deep-dive into faith, deconstruction, and what comes next? Don't miss our...
LOVE. The greatest commandment. Greater than faith and hope. And also the squishiest, most...
The French political theorist Pierre Manent says that the church needs to recover its emphasis on...
It's too easy to judge others. At a time when American society is riven by social, political, and...
Recently, Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota, whose Word on Fire ministry has made him one of the...
It’s time we humble ourselves and stop believing our faith-practices are indisputable. “The first...
This year’s G20 summit was proudly hosted by Prime Minister Modi in New Delhi. It was an...
I know my faith teaches me not to fear, to not be afraid, but I am, especially here in Texas in...
Often when people get together to talk about religion, they criticize what other religions get...
The crisis at the southern border is a man-made humanitarian crisis. All too often we hear stories...
A follow-up from my prior post, again referencing James Martin’s article: Now, I cannot speak for...
History is not meant to create patriots, rogues, revolutionaries, socialists, conservatives, or...
What does it mean to keep God in public schools? Is it about political power? Control? Or is it so...
In our Bible Bonus Tracks podcast series over on Heretic Happy Hour, we interviewed expert Melissa...
Trump has been the projected winner of the Republican presidential nomination since before he...
A common argument opposing the existence of God is that if God exist, why do terrible things...
Politically pastoral is more than just a concept or slogan. Being politically pastoral is an...
Is modesty a good thing? For some, the word “modesty” can conjure up images of burqas and systems...
New survey shows caste awareness in US is low and based on inaccurate information. This can lead...
Religious groups remain divided over the President’s approach to immigration, LGBTQ rights and...