Is it a burden that the Catholic Church has so many rules and rituals to follow? Can't we just...
A favorite hymn of mine, by fellow Sewanee alum William Alexander Percy, contemplates what peace...
There is a truth that God has a plan for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says : ” For I know the plans I have...
Fresh-baked obedience permeates the air as I breathe in its delicious aroma. Salivating, I swallow...
*Editor’s Note: This is a contribution from Jon Turney, whose book, RJ the Astronaut, will be...
In a recent news special, a report showed the aftermath of the destruction from recent natural...
Religion in the Age of Social Media
Mysticism has emerged as a living influence in modern times.” My favorite Christian mystic writer...
Alzheimers is brutal, confusing and sad. With faith we can get God's help.
And if you have not shown yourself to be trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give...
Love & mercy are the heart of faith. I hoped to raise my child to know love & mercy, to know...
I’m Not Sure I Can Go Back To Church This is a typical response when talking with someone who has...
When Nebuchadnezzar saw that God had delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the furnace,...
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Recently, I interacted with someone who believes that the apostle Paul was not really an apostle....
Bells… “tintinnabulations of the Bells, Bells…” sung out Edgar Allen Poe.. The concept of these...
I’m thrilled to have Fr. Henry Ogbuji as a guest blogger speaking about domestic violence from a...
The sacred space of church evaporated. It no longer made sense to talk to a God located outside of...
“Perfect is the enemy of good” is a saying that highlights the danger of setting unrealistic...
When Meagan and I began talking publicly about our courtship and our celibacy, the questions...