A different metric of fairness. The attitude of the workers in this parable—that those who worked...
Judas has captured my attention the past few weeks. As I have read and reread the story of Jesus...
Note: This article comes from chapter 1 of the book, Sitting in the Shade of Another Tree, which...
It’s time we humble ourselves and stop believing our faith-practices are indisputable. “The first...
Often when people get together to talk about religion, they criticize what other religions get...
This book is filled with guidance, wisdom, activities, journaling prompts, and invitations to...
In the Quoir/Patheos book, Sitting in the Shade of Another Tree I discuss the influence...
It seems that having some type of “mission” in my life has helped me find more love, harmony,...
I never thought such a small non-human creature could make me feel so loved.
I am grateful for the lawmakers in states around this beautiful and broken country who have the...
Not only are religious leaders/pastors/theologians learning they are losing members, especially...
29 US denominations and faith organizations are joining together to launch One Home One Future for...
President Trump went to a lot of trouble to give a photo op in front of St. John's church. What...
The structure of Marx's ideas reflects a narrative not dissimilar to the eschatological records...
For many of us, Buffett and his songs are interwoven into the fabric of our lives.
Heaven is within you and me just as it was within my grandmother and all the loved ones who have...
LGBTQ+ rights and politics are more than just buzzwords – they’re part of a larger tapestry that...
In Matthew’s gospel, those who are invited to enter into the joy of their Lord are those who fed...
“Now or never!” Instead of never we could put “is the time.” Better still is the political slogan...
Back in the day, we all knew that communing with God was a priority. My former (evangelical) self...
Sermon from January 10, 2021: “He proclaimed, ‘The one who is more powerful than I is coming after...
In our Bible Bonus Tracks podcast series over on Heretic Happy Hour, we interviewed expert Melissa...
“there’s “nothing more American than baseball, apple pie, and mom.” They of course refer to a...
I was seventeen in 1988, and Scorsese’s The Last Temptation of Christ had just landed in theaters....
Christian Nationalists want to impose certain beliefs on all Americans and punish those who...
Stopping the Execution of a Redneck. “Do you like to hunt or fish?” That was the first...
What does it mean to keep God in public schools? Is it about political power? Control? Or is it so...
Yesterday all Patheos bloggers received an email from Patheos suggesting “trending topics relating...
Does anyone else have some messed up views? Being taught one thing. And now realizing… It was all...
SAYING 75 Jesus said, “There are many standing at the door, but it is the solitary one who will...
This weekend, I���m attending a virtual conference called New Insights into the New Testament. It is...
With changing times and necessary discussions, read on to discover ten things Christians need to...
The Adventurous Lectionary – The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost – October 1, 202 Exodus 17:1-7,...
Introduction Throughout my life as a Christian, I have seen multiple predictions of the end times....
Christmas can be a time full of disappointment -- be stubborn with your joy.
Why are conversations around female sexual pleasure and orgasm not actually conversational enough?...
I got so much great feedback about the Sunday Sermon two weeks ago that I decided to turn it into...
Why should we make the creative marketplace fair for a few? Why not for most creative people?
Slamming social justice and those who promote is an attempt to create Christianity without...
Politically pastoral is more than just a concept or slogan. Being politically pastoral is an...
Political Rhetoric Deserves an “F” Image: mytutor-jpn.com As a public speaking professor, I give...
I'm lost in depression. What's the question?
*Editor’s Note: This is a contribution from Dillon Naber Cruz, whose book, Theological Musings, is...
History is not meant to create patriots, rogues, revolutionaries, socialists, conservatives, or...
I had a delightful conversation with Elliot Saxton on his Brave New History YouTube channel. At...
I don’t know what I believe about the Lord’s Supper, or the Eucharist. As someone who grew up in...
To be the real church is to love others unconditionally.
Once again, none of these stories is about drag queens....
Navigate the perilous waters of narcissistic pastoral leadership. Learn why churches often become...
Though many think of him only as a martial artist and/or movie star, it never ceases to amaze me...
The lesson from these two sons tell is that professions matter little. It was their actions that...
It’s important to remember that just because you’re in a church or religious service two or more...
Learn how the New Testament emerged and was compiled over centuries until it was canonized in the...
It is starting to make sense to see Trump as Messiah. Clearly, I've had a change of thought about...
It's too easy to judge others. At a time when American society is riven by social, political, and...
It seems like an extreme statement to state that evangelicalism will die. In general, I do my best...
A new baby brings us such hope. They are so pure, their slate so clean, and for those of us who...
6 years ago RAWtools, Inc. didn’t exist. And then tragedy struck in Newtown, CT at Sandy Hook...
“I don’t have any friends here anymore.” It’s the complaint that priests often hear from...
Why not be grateful for scientific advances that made it possible to improve your eyesight?...
The Bible cannot be any clearer. If we as Christians truly love God, we must also love our...
The only Twitter profiles Blockchain uses to communicate with users are: @blockchain &...